Posted by Steve
Monday, June 21, 2021 11:05 AM
...and why my last 26 games were spike rushes only.
Soo, I had to stop play competitive/unrated 3 weeks ago at Plat 1 since my right shoulder was injured and underwent surgery.Since then, my right arm has to be locked in a medical arm splint (hopefully that is the right term) and I am not allowed or even able to inner rotate it.
At that time, I was at the start of level 46 of the actual battlepass and tbh I was kinda frustrated, that I wasn’t able to finish it and get the last rewards.
First i thought of asking a friend to finish it for me or even buying the last few level (I usually don’t go for the epilogue, it’s just a nice bonus), but they didn’t even finished their own bp and it didn’t feel right to spend money for a few level either.
So what did I do?
It was clear that I have to use my left hand for aiming now so I switched right and left click on my mouse ingame, but what about movement and using abilities?
Well… my initial thought was.. why not trying to use my feet? haha.I put my keyboard on the floor in front of me, additionally bound walking to the arrow keys and the abilities to the numpad.It.. really sucked.
Moving around the map and aiming with my left hand or even trying to look around a corner was reaaaaally challenging and exhausting, but i managed to get 17 kills on my first deathmatch somehow.

I went with that method for around 2 or 3 days until I decided to try using a ps4 controller and the REWASD tool.Usually my right hand is fixed to the arm splint with one strap.. or velcro pad (didnt know they’re called that) but obviously I was able (and allowed to) open it to stretch my fingers, move my wrist etc.
It also sucked.
The controller was way to heavy to use it comfortably and after a few tests I decided not to go with that solution.
Well, maybe try using my feet again..?Are you kidding me? Never!
I ordered a bluetooth adapter because someone told me I could also use a joycon from a nintendo switch. That could’ve been my way to go since one joycon is so much smaller and lighter than a dualshock which is meant to used with both hands anyway.
One day later I received the adapter, connected my right joycon to the computer and remapped the buttons to be able to walk around, use abilities, reload and shift ingame

I jump by scrolling down and use my knife/pistol by 2 additional mouse buttons.
Aaaaaaand at that point, after one day playing ~ 2 unrated in a premade group, i started to go for spike rushes only.
I didnt want to disturb anyones experience in competitive or unrated due to my shitty left hand aim and joycon movement.I still was (and still am) behind in weekly missions, so I had a lot ingame exp to gain for the last 5 battlepass level.

I hated daily missions where I had to kill with enemy guns or buying armory, which I couldnt do anyway at all. Very often the joycon disconnected or had a delay, so I didn't move or use my recon dart when I wanted to.And the weekly mission from about 2 weeks ago, where you need to use ur ult ~80 times or so and get a several amount of headshots were kinda challenging.I really had to adapt my playstyle to my shitty movement/aim and learned to be more patient.U can’t imagine how often people just walk into your crosshair so u can onetap them very easily :D
Shotguns helped me to get more headshots frequently and I first sticked to playing Skye since she only needs 6 ult points.
I wasn’t able to play for very long per day, because I was very exhausted from the surgery and not being able to sleep properly. (it still sucks, I hate sleeping on my back)
Well but 3 weeks after the surgery I finally made it and finished the last 5 levels of the regular battlepass today!
I still have to go with the splint for 3 further weeks, which kinda sucks because I want to play ranked again and the next season is just a few days away, but at least I reached my goal.
What did I learn from that experience?
First, nothing will stop me from having fun playing valorant, even if that means I have to adapt to the situation.To be honest, I am really surprised how fast u can learn to aim off-hand.I even had some rounds were i one tapped ppl with the Sheriff, I happened to be match MVP or even got a 4K with a Marshall.
These matches were the best, because I still was able to have impact and help my team to win.
Thank you very much for reading, I apologize for my bad english or any grammar mistakes. It took me more than one hour to write this, since I only use my left hand lol.Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals :D See you in the next spike rush.
tl;dr : I am only able to play using my left hand to aim/ a joycon for movement due to a shoulder surgery and still managed to finish the regular battlepass :D
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