Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 7:57 AM
Please help me, I tried one game and then was harassed and then put off playing ever again. I really want to get into and enjoy the competitive side of the game, but the people make it really hard. Anyone have any tips on how to cope with it?
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My favourite part is the turret, it looks so cute and angy lol
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 2:55 AM
why do people like the oni phantom so much?
I have nothing against the oni phantom, personally I really like it but why do people prefer it so much over other phantom skins like prime/reaver/protocol etc. So much so that Ive had people straight up diss people for liking other skins....
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Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:24 PM
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Posted by Otto
Thursday, October 21, 2021 1:57 PM