How do I peek in Valorant?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 19, 2022 6:02 AM

I have been playing Valorant for a couple of months now, and I have started to hit a roadblock in my games. I can't really peek, or I don't really know how. I know the basics like shoulder, Ferrari, and crouch peeking. I am also aware that there is a thing called jump spotting/peeking, but don't really know how to use it effectively in my games.

Now I have about 1,7K hours in csgo where I peaked in MGE, but in cs, the game is a lot quicker, when it comes to the movement speed of the players. In cs, there is also a lot more peekers advantage, bc of the servers and net code, so I have a hard time trying to figure out how to peek effectively.

In Valorant there isn't as much peekers advantage and your character moves a lot slower so I'm trying to adjust. So if you know any tips and/or tricks to help me and properly also a lot of other people become better at it, we would greatly appreciate it. :)



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