How do I win in Bind?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 2, 2022 10:21 PM

Title says is all. Iam in imm3 For the last 2 acts I havent won a single bind game. I swear its the worst map on earth. There is no place to out aim people with rifle. All the close angles are equal and easy for anyone to fight. You cant swing shower or long B cuz there is always a OP sitting. You cant go short cuz there are 8 different angles they are gonna play contact with chamber slow. You get insta naded. Its insufferable. On defence, i feel like the enemy team w keys me and my team down with double/tripple initiators and there is always a raze and chamber. On offence, i feel like we get smoked off and even with flashes we can go in. If it was 5/6 games it would have been fine but its all the games. So to the people who win in bind, how do you do it? What agents do you play, how do you play the map?



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