How to igl and be a better teammate in your games! Some of these tips will help you win more rounds in the long run.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 5:48 AM

Disclaimer : Some of your teammates won't listen and will do their own things and be toxic/afk etc.

This isn't about those games with shit ones which you will never win.

This is for the other 30-40% of games that are even and winnable.

Small things that you can do that might change how the round plays out. Most of these tips involve talking to your team. Its not your job to make them listen. So don't get tilted/argue if they don't and it went poorly (learn to let it go). Don't stop comming though. They may listen next time. Remember to be polite and friendly. If its helps, pretend like you are working in customer service.

This game is very momentum based. So a single round can change how the game ends.

  1. Check your econ and enemy econ. The most obvious thing is whether you can buy/save.

You can also figure out if they can afford an op. Tell your team if they can. It might wind up changing how one of your teammates plays the round.

  1. Check who is close to ults on both teams. If enemy is on eco and their jett is a point off the ult, its a safe bet that she might try to grab one of the ult points. You can use this info and fight her.

If you are attacking and someone on your team is close to an engage ult (Phoenix/Kj/Breach etc), tell ur controller to smoke so you can grab it. After that you can choose to engage a site.

  1. If your controller is smoking poorly, too shallow for example, ask them to do it deeper.

Just don't be aggressive about it, instead of "What the fuck are these smokes ?" during the round, "Bro, can you smoke a little deeper, you are giving them too much room to work with" after the round is better.

Chances are they are filling and don't play the role but filled for the team. Berating the guy for being a team player is not a good idea.

  1. Most agents have utility that give away which site they are playing, If you get stalled on attack, don't be afraid to call for a rotate.

  1. Say its a 2 v 2, and you are low and have a rifle but your teammate who is full hp has a spectre. Swap guns with him. It will give you a better chance of winning the round.

  1. If I am having a poor game either because I am having an off day or lagging, I prioritize buying the guy carrying on my team even if it means I can't get a gun. I just buy full armor and ask him to drop a sheriff.

  1. If your team forced and you are on a must win round, if its 4 v 1, tell them our money is shit and to save the guns for the next round and not hunt the one guy who is left. A lot of the time, that guy will get a few "low impact" frags before he dies and your team will not be able to buy on the next round.

  1. We have all had games in which only a couple of people have mics. If you die, comm for your teammates. Don't assume people know whats going on already. They might have rotated late and won't know the latest positions of the players.

  1. Seeing which of the enemy has ults can determine how the round plays out. ex: If the enemy KJ has ult on attack on haven, its almost guaranteed that they will go to A.

  1. Probably the most important of all. Don't backseat their micro decisions. Offer macro suggestions, like which site is free, or if they can grab ult point and res on sage etc.

  1. Offer to drop your teammates. Check who is maxing out and tell its better for them to drop.

Some players are either shy or maybe got flamed for asking before so they buy an inferior weapon. Getting them a better gun might help them win their fight.

  1. Try to keep track of where the enemy plays. Most players have patterns and play the same sites with the same style. Know where the enemy sova darts at the start of every round?

Is the phoenix flashing out of garage every round? Does their Reyna flank every round ?

Does the sova have a lineup for default plants?

All this is very useful info you can exploit. Just telling your team this will help them make better decisions.

  1. Only comm stuff that you are absolutely sure of. You can still comm if you have a gut feeling but make sure you say that properly. "He's B" vs "He might be B main" is very different. Nothing more titling than dying because someone made a bad call. Don't say "All here" unless you physically see all of them or it shows in the minimap. Saying many A or at least 2-3 A is better in this case if you can just hear them.

Bonus: This is just something that I do. I don't expect others to do it as it maybe seen as tryharding or not fun. I prioritize staying alive if the round is already won. I don't hunt the last guy down or take unnecessary fights unless the team money is maxed out. Armor + rifle is 3900 credits. That shits expensive and as a sentinel player as you use utility every round. I'd rather be able to drop my teammate the next round than chase after a meaningless kill. Also, dying a lot affects your mmr.

Bonus 2: I don't even see this in most radiant streams, If you know exactly who is playing where post plant, say that. Instead of 1 b main or 2 hookah, Say skye is b main and sova, sage are hookah. You can change the way u play the matchup based on that. If the agent has a flash you will be more cautious. If its an agent without one, its just down to raw aim. More information is a good thing!

Good luck on your climb!



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