How to improve after getting stuck?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:00 PM

Well I've been doing a 15~30mins routine every single day (without skipping) on aimlab and I've managed to get to Diamond 3. The thing is my aim is pretty decent but whenever im D3 i get matched with aim gods that just onetap me whenever I see a pixel of them and I cant keep up with their god aim.

I've been hardstuck diamond for like the 3 acts, I wanna get up to immortal but I dont see myself improving even tho I do aim training.

I have good game sense too, just a few little times i can make a mistake but it's not often. (i'd say i get high rank for my game sense too)

Also I started noticing my aimlabs score lately are not improving, they stay the same as if that's my limit.

So what should I be doing to improve further more so I can achieve immortal and maybe radiant someday?



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