How to improve my mechanics as a Hardstuck bronze 3 - Silver 1 Noob?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 15, 2021 2:40 AM

Hello guys! I placed Iron 1 in E1A3, then stayed hardstuck Iron 3 for a while, after which I got a better PC and went up to Bronze 3 - Silver 1. However, I'm down horrendous, do really bad on defense, and it's just a pain to win matches at my elo with un-coordinated and over rotating teams. I try to do my best , as best as a Bronze player can do, beyond that it's out of my control. Blaming teammates at my elo is futile anyways.

This is just a deathmatch footage I'm attaching, it would be great if anyone could point out my flaws, and the mechanics I could work more on. I know there's a lot I need to work on, so if anyone could point out a good starting point, that would be great. Any and all tips would be appreciated!



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