Posted by Steve
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:24 AM
I feel like im getting pretty good at Valorant yet, I can only play for so long until I get exhausted. I can't really play that many games, maybe 3-4 before my head gets tired. When you get to a certain skill level I feel like you always have to think, OK sage is usually on a long and she isn't with her team pushing our spike at c which means she is probably flank. While im at it i can smoke garage while holding long... I don't get how streamers and pro's can play like this for long. Maybe im just overthinking but maybe anyone got any tips on how I can play well and play a lot at the same time?
TLDR; Cannot play many games due to mental fatigue, any help?
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Switching to your knife and shooting at the same time takes away recoil. But you'll receive the recoil upon re-equipping the weapon.

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