How do you learn to play "correctly" at low ranks, when the games are so unpredictable and crazy?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 8:12 PM

I'm pretty bad at the game, I don't play a lot of ranked but I come from higher rank, diamond-master level.

I've been doing a lot of the aim training stuff Woohoojin recommends, but I find the vandal so incredibly awkward to use. It's not necessarily an issue of TTK being way lower, but the spread just feels terrible, and the pin-point precision is tough when opponents play so weirdly in low ranks.

These guys are fearless. Charging around corners with no utility, whiffing their own utility and still rushing, etc. I think my issue is knowing where to start playing around these styles of play, as I work on improving my aim and getting used to how the gunplay works compared to OW. Skill issue of course, but I find myself gravitating towards the phantom more because it feels much easier to control, and you can still get get picks with it. If we're playing long range I usually opt for a marshall and buy someone else that round.

So my question is: Should I try to adapt my gameplay around the unpredictable, weird plays that low rank players make, with a gun I feel more comfortable with, or should I continue practicing DM/Shooting range the "correct way", and force myself to get more comfortable with the vandal?



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