How to pug effectively for a long time

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 3, 2021 12:02 PM

So heres the problem I can play 3 games at a high immortal level in a day and play really well but when I go past that my mechanics and reactions just slack and I get fatigued I don't full clear angles miss easy shots don't react to people swinging angles I'm holding and all in all play shit. I'm trying to hit radiant before season end but it's going up every day and 3 games a day doesn't cut it so I need to be able to focus up for longer. I never had this problem in CS I could play 8 faceit pugs in a day against 3k elos and not get fatigued at all. Any advice from anyone who has overcome this hurdle is appreciated. I've tried the obvious like 10/20 minute break play a DM drink water drink coffee etc.



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