How to quickly rankup?

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 17, 2023 12:17 PM

Hello, I have been playing Valorant for around a year and a bit more, and I've been traveling through the ranks at a consistent rate until diamond. I started iron 1, but learned about the mechanics and reached diamond 2 at episode 3 act 3. However, it has been 5 months, and I am still hardstuck diamond 1. Like literally, my entire act triangle is simply diamond 1. I mvp a lot of my games, as per the image below, and based on that, you may think that I am baiting my team, but in the fracture game where we lost and I went 33/19, I had 12 first bloods and have been entrying on reyna, even though a lot of people do not consider reyna to be a proper duelist. I do not lurk the majority of the time. I try my best to play with my team, and I do not understand how I am still at this rank. If anyone have any tips, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks :)



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