Posted by Steve
Saturday, May 21, 2022 8:12 PM
It's as if EVERYONE was born a god. I don't get it.
They Prefire ALL the right angles (if its a wrong angle, they don't prefire)They all have the gamesense of gods. The Aim of KennyS on OP's, it's as if 2k hours of csgo dont matter for sh*t.
It's as if they were born to play this game, and NEVER did ANYTHIGN else in their life.
I Shift-Flank them for 10 Minutes, and theres STILL somebody there prefiring my ass.
This game tilts me to no end.
I think i noticed something that MIGHT explain parts of this..
I feel as if me going topfrag one game will put me into a match with other Topfraggers the next game. Then when those Top-Fraggers outperform me and i go bottomfrag, it puts me into a Bottom-Frag queue the next match, where i will go topfrag again and rinse repeat.
This would be stupid if true, since when i Outperform, i deserve to rank up. Like the other people in the Topfrag queue. This way i would get a higher rank and matched with the same topfraggers anyway, instead of Ruining peoples matches every second game or so cuz i get stuck in a rank.
I would ruin less peoples matches if i just ranked up quicker.
Isn't that exactly what a Rankedsystem is supposed to do?
Anybody feel me on this? I can't say for sure but it really does feel like it..
Would also explain why matches feel SO goddamn inconsistent to many.
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