How do you stay consistent?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 11:05 AM

Silver noob here but I'm struggling staying consistent in my games. Anyone have any advice?

Example: Yesterday I top fragged with 33 kills in my unrated warmup. 20 Kills first comp game...19 kills second comp game. My next game for whatever reason I started missing every single shot. I ended up bottom fragging with 4 kills and undeniably losing the game for my team. I felt so awful I just hopped off for the night. This wasn't a case of "the new team was just way better..." I know I was playing horribly.

I think I'm the type of person that once they start doing poorly they let it get to them and it becomes a vicious cycle of "Oh shit I cant believe i missed that shot...get nervous... miss more shots..."

Anyways any advice is appreciated



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