How i went from Bronze 1 to Diamond 2

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 6, 2020 7:28 AM

Before i start, i am very aware of my capabilities and how much more i can improve on. With that said however, for me going from such a low rank like bronze to diamond is a good enough feat to share how i actually got up here so here goes.

Firstly, the most important thing to note when in bronze elo is you must at all costs avoid solo q-ing. More often than not there will be atleast one teammate dropping 4-17 going afk when you’re 5-8 down. From what i’ve learnt, bronze - iron elo players are generally less conscious about their rank than the players higher up. It’s fine if you can’t get a 5 stack, but i will advise atleast a 3 queue or more.

The next thing i worked on was my agent pool. Personally, i think it’s best if you main one agent at this elo and have about 2 other agents you’re comfortable with. What most players do wrong is not focusing on a single agent & play whatever they feel like on a given day. Now, i am aware that there are existing players that are that versatile, but chances are if you’re in bronze elo that would not really be the case. I main Killjoy but i am also more than comfortable with Cypher and Reyna.

The next thing i don’t see told around here often is know when to tap and when to spray. When i was in bronze elo, it was very common of me to see my teammates ( me included tbh ) trying to tap fire an enemy right infront of them with a phantom. The spray patterns may be hard to learn & control, but that will definitely come over time. There are certain weapons like the spectre and stinger where there is absolutely no chance you’re getting a kill if you tap fire. ( unless your crosshair placement is decent enough, which is unlikely in bronze elo )

Now, for you higher elo players in silver and above this may already be a given but, my eyes ached in bronze elo whenever i see my teammates reloading after a kill with 20 shots left in their clip then getting killed in the animation. This isn’t COD, you can kill enemies with literally 1 bullet in this game. After you kill, always be prepared for the next gunfight because as you rank up, trades get more common.

This is all i personally think could seriously help you escape your elo. I did not mention some things like crosshair placement and counter strafing as there are a couple thousand youtube videos on them. Hope this helped you like it helped me, good luck!

Disclaimer : nothing i said in the above is directed as a shot at bronze players. I was bronze myself and i really think it’s not as difficult as some people make it out to be to get better at this game. much love!



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