I always try to 1 tap / burst and it is making me lose games

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 3:38 PM

I started valorant 3 or 4 months ago and 4 weeks ago i learnt to 1 tap i felt pretty proud of my self But recently 1 tapping has been making me lose to much rounds. I have been watching alot of pro players (tenz,asuna,subroza) and all of them use a mix of bursting and crouch spraying But i just cant seem to know how they do it Sometimes an enemy is just crouching really close infront of me and i try to one tap / burst by instinct While the enemy sprays at me. It is a 50/50 fight Because there is always a chance i miss my first 2 1 taps and i dont know what to do. Should i stop 1 tapping and start spraying more or should i try to Increase my 1 tap accuracy so i have a better chance of winning against a sprayer Help is appreciated

Rank: silver 3 with 85% of the time team mvp Main : Reyna


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/r53ba1/i_always_try_to_1_tap_burst_and_it_is_making_me/
  • https://reddit.com/r53ba1

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