I became an instalock reyna and the results were amazing

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 7:00 PM

Last week I was watching a streamer and said that "I thought I was a lower rank than what I deserve". He told me that, if I actually believed in it, to start instalocking reyna and to check weather that was true or not. I took the challenge and did it. In 4 days I went from Bronze 2 to Silver 2 and learned a lot about the things wrong with the RR system. The first one was that, in lower ranks, your kills are way too prioritized over team play. Whenever I had a bad game, I'd just get a random round where I'd get a quadra kill and the system wouldn't punish me. Besides that, I noticed that I was indeed lower rank than I should, as I'm currently in an 11 win streak. Lastly, I noticed how people who instalock get constantly called names and things that are just not normal, but once a couple rounds go by and you get some kills they'll all shut up and even send friend requests in the end of the game. Basically, I started having way more fun, went up in rank and got to a point where I finally feel like I deserve where I am. People who instalock a duelist know that no one likes them and all the threads done on this sub won't demote them, as it's a way more fun game like this.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/t3lrik/i_became_an_instalock_reyna_and_the_results_were/
  • https://reddit.com/t3lrik

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