I bottom frag nearly 60% of my games, i need help

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 4:21 PM

Hey so as i mentioned in the title i bottom frag a lot of my games and my kd is shit and ADR is even worse, i tried VOD reviewing myself but i still couldn’t see what i was lacking at, my aim is not terrible but idk maybe it could be.

I always watch yt videos and coaching videos but i am stuck dia3/asc1 for the past 2 acts so any help is appreciated

Edit: Valorant tracker


Edit 2:

For the guys who tell me to pickup a phantom over vandal, i have to tell you that i have been playing phantom since i started playing this game and just for this act i wanted to go vandal only to focus on headshots more

Edit 3: kind of late but here is a video of my gameplay


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yd0wbf/i_bottom_frag_nearly_60_of_my_games_i_need_help/
  • https://reddit.com/yd0wbf

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