I changed my view on sensitivity

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 7, 2022 5:48 PM

So a while ago I played with a really low sens and stuck with it for a very long time (0.135 @ 1600 (eDPI 216)), thinking it would make me the most accurate.

A few weeks ago I changed it to 0.175 (eDPI 280) because I played a lot more Jett and stuggled to check corners while dashing in. This felt great as I was still able to be accurate while being able to flick faster and check corners easier.

Recently I've been watching Asuna a lot and checked his sens which is insanely high in comparison (eDPI 380.8). Just for fun I tried it yesterday in the range and while it felt really high in the beginning, I got used to it pretty quickly. I decided to play the rest of the day with it and see how it goes.

My first deathmatch went great. I wasn't focussing on winning and just tried to take as many fights as possible. My aim felt really snappy and while basically just holding W the entire game, I got second place. After that I was pretty used to the sens. I played some comp games and while I was assuming I would whiff a lot of shots, this wasn't the case at all. I even managed to get my first Ace this act and hit a nasty 180 during it.

I was scared a higher sens would affect my accuracy, but this hasn't been the case at all and it has actually increased my aim I would say. It's much easier to have that snappy aim and in the range it feels like I can lock on the next target instantly.

Has anyone else actually increased their sens instead of dropping it and how has it affected your games?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yof3oh/i_changed_my_view_on_sensitivity/
  • https://reddit.com/yof3oh

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