i am so dogshit pls help

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 4, 2022 6:31 PM

I have had the game for years now, I play it fairly often, once a week at least, and I am really bad at the game. I never grind ranked but I try to get a rank each season, and the highest I have ever gotten is iron 3. My map knowledge and strategy is really good, my aim is bad but nothing worse than my silver Freinds, my economy is decent, I can confidently play most agents and regularly top frag in unrated playing raze. What am I doing wrong? Do I just need to play more ranked, or am I really just terrible? Every other iron I know is considerably lt worst than me. I play the objective all the time. The only reason I can think I might be stuck iron is because I play on a (pretty expensive) laptop with a mid internet connection. Should I just get a better PC and set up Ethernet or something??? Any advice is welcome.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ylr6jy/i_am_so_dogshit_pls_help/
  • https://reddit.com/ylr6jy

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