Posted by Steve
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 4:50 AM
You can view my match history on here
Obviously I had some help with the new rank distribution as a result of the addition of Ascendant but this Act I flipped a switch in my brain and stopped caring about RR and decided to only play Comp. Despite mostly not playing controllers in the past (look at my flair lol) I became a controller main.
Last act when I barely played comp I just barely made it to Gold 1. This time I got placed Gold 2 and have now reached my past peak of Plat 1, and I'm soon to be Plat 2. If you look at my matches, notice that I'm not getting a shit ton of kills, a lot of times I'm middle or bottom of the scoreboard. A lot of times my aim's shit and there are situations in which I could've saved the round by securing a pick. But I do my job as a controller fairly well.
Also my rules for playing comp are:
If I lose the first game of the day, I go again.
If I lose the next game, I stop for the day.
If I win the first game or second game, I keep going until I lose.
So advice to low-ELO players or players with mediocre/inconsistent aim? Learn controllers. I recommend SmackSmackk for Brimstone and Jinzled for Viper.
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