Posted by Steve
Friday, January 7, 2022 7:00 PM
Right now in the NA region alone, there are over 23,000 Immortals. It feels like Immortal, the second highest rank in this game, is way too easy to achieve. Especially Immortal 1. Back during Episode 1 and 2, as well as earlier acts of Episode 3, Immortal actually meant something. The top 1 percent of the playerbase. Based on the NA leaderboards there were only around ~10,000 Immortals in these earlier seasons. Now it feels like they are handing out Immortal like candy. It is pretty easy to play a support character and get carried by a good mechanical duelist player on your team all the way through Diamond. I feel that Riot has made the ranking system so that it is really hard to lose your rank. Like having to lose two games in a row to be demoted. The ranking system feels really artificially inflated.
I am not a pro player by any means, but I am currently Immortal 3, ~4000 in the leaderboard, and I've been playing this game since beta with about 1.5k hours. Even at this rank I see people who I wonder how they even got into this rank. They have poor crosshair placement, movement, and general utility usage and awareness of the map. Maybe someone who is in the higher elo of VALORANT can give their opinion on this as well. The gap between Immortal ranks is absolutely insane. It's too easy for someone to barely scrape by into Immortal 1 from Diamond 3 and then just camp their ranking because that rank never goes away. Perhaps a rank between Diamond to Immortal is needed. This might be controversial, but I feel that a possible solution to this issue would be to add a rank decay into VALORANT. A rank decay would eliminate many players in Immortal that are pretty "boosted" (I hate using this term because I feel that if you got to this rank solo, you deserve it). It would make Immortal a more representative rank of the top player base. There are so many players in Immortal with 0 RR that just camp the leaderboard because they're afraid to lose their Immortal ranking. Having a ranked decay would make Immortal actually the 1% of players again.
This is just my opinion. Feel free to criticize and discuss. I feel that other Immortal/Radiant players can somewhat agree, but I am interested to hear your thoughts as well.
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