Posted by Steve
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 12:02 PM
I've been playing the game since last July, but for some reason I feel like I've only improved so much. I have a 60fps setup and a Razer mouse. I feel like my aim doesn't actually improve whatsoever. I put a lot of time into practicing flicks, about 30 minutes everyday I just go into the range and practice flicking hard bots. My kills bottom at 10 and the highest I've gotten is 21, with my average always being 13-14. Thing is, it's been this way for the past few months. I mean, I play the game regularly and put more focus into improving my mechanical skills, so why don't I see improvements? I haven't changed any of my settings with anything for a long time as well. I don't play super competitively or anything, but if I'm putting time into the game I should be seeing at least some sort of improvement over time, right? I feel like I've been sitting in the same spot for the past handful of months and I don't understand why, like I'm always playing bad and then maybe one day out of the month I play super well. Breaks don't help me either, I just come back at the same level and maybe play well for a day or two.
I am not talking about the actual game, because I can clearly see that I have improved in game sense and other things, but I am speaking about the range specifically.
Any thoughts?
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