I don't think we can honestly talk about Valorant without talking about the problems

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 31, 2021 10:36 AM

Every time I post about an issue with this game, it gets removed, and frankly I don't understand why. It's dishonest to try to separate the game from its issues, and you're only doing a disservice to interested players by attempting to.

With that out of the way, what the fuck is going on with throwing? I just deranked because 3 of my teammates refused to use a gun for the entire game. I reported every player for throwing, but what will they do with this information? Are these people going to be banned? Am I going to get my mmr back? One of the enemy players openly admitted to boosting the account he was on. There's quite literally textual evidence and it couldn't be clearer, but will Riot do anything with this?

This is just ridiculous. How can you claim to be building a "competitive shooter" when shit like this is still going on, and is at least as bad as ever if not worse?

I've put 100+ Hours into this game, and when it's good it's great, but when it's bad it's the most frustrating and infuriating thing I've experienced in a long time. And I don't think we as a community should be shying away from that. It's a huge issue with this game, and if we want it to have a long life cycle we need to speak truthfully and loudly about its issues until they get fixed. Hiding and suppressing these sentiments doesn't help anyone. It hurts current players, it hurts potential future players, and it hurts the developers.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l8y671/i_dont_think_we_can_honestly_talk_about_valorant/
  • https://reddit.com/l8y671

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