I don't think this game is for me. Should I keep playing?

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 26, 2022 12:02 PM

I consider myself a casual player.

I've found a group of friends that play valorant and I wanted to join them. I casually played R6 Siege back in the day so I thought valorant wasn't going to be so hard to get into, but despite undestanding the agents and core mechanics of the game, the month I've been plaing has been absolute hell on earth.

Being level 1 I get matches with people that are level 300, I miss every sinlge shot (I remember a funny duel I had with an enemy where my bullet holes created the dude's silhouette on the wall and then I died) and I get one shot killed almost instantly. I undertand that I need to learn to aim but my eye-hand coordination is really bad, ad besides, how can I improve (or even play) if I die instantly every time?

The thing that frustrates me the most is that my friends are losing because of me since I contribute almost nothing to the team. I just manage to move around, place a wall or a smoke (in the wrong places) or a heal if I play Sage and then I die, I get frustrated because I did nothing and leave after the match is over. My friends say that it's okey that I don't perform on the same level as them, but I know they get annoyed when I screw up, making the experience even more frustrating. Winning games are lost because of me.

I suppose that I need to play some matches on my own to learn the game but I really hate playing multiplayer games alone. Given my overall shitty experience with the game should I give up and find another game to play with my friends?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wxjnnp/i_dont_think_this_game_is_for_me_should_i_keep/
  • https://reddit.com/wxjnnp

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