Posted by Steve
Friday, December 31, 2021 11:05 PM
There's just something about when I see a Jett doing Jett things especially when I've seen enough rounds of how the player plays him. I know I play better against other agents compared to when I see a Jett/Reyna. It's like my brain just freezes or my brain just stops because it knows it probably has millions of ways to kill me and Jett can just pull out an OP anytime or a shorty or her knives. My brain just freezes.
Reyna, I can't describe it especially when she ultis. She's so damn scary. That damn purple form. If it were a Sage peeking me close in Bind A short behind the box, I'd headshot her, but if it's a Reyna, my brain just wants to body shot her, bro.
Anyway, d1-d2 for a couple of weeks now trying to rank up against the Jett's and Reyna's of the world. I feel like I'm 500-2000 against those agents ngl. What is it about Reyna's ulti? I'm in my mid-20s and why am I afraid of that purple clown
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