Posted by Steve
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 12:16 AM
For context, I am currently Gold 2 and am on a winning streak of 10-15 games. I started out in bronze 2 (I joined when the glorious ruin dagger was in the battlepass, forget the act). After that act I was in silver up until about a week ago, I started climbing. I did well in silver but was highly inconsistent and I don't put time into aim training nor did I play fps's that were aim-based before valorant. So yeah I'm pretty dogshit. Now that I'm gold, I am consistently outperformed by every other player in my games but still managing wins and wins on repeat. Maybe I'm just good with util and supporting my team well enough but my game sense isn't the best. If any of you guys have opinions or similar experiences, let me know.
Also, is it just me or is the smurfing problem the worst in gold?
Also also, if I climb high enough, you may know me as the worst radiant player NA :P
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