I have gained a lot of respect for plat and below players.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 2, 2021 6:02 PM

I recently started a solo smurf. My main is diamond and I solo queue 9/10 games i play. I decided to start a smurf to prac other characters and to avoid some irl friends who kinda force me to play unrated with them.

I got placed in gold 2 and my god its the worst experience I have ever had in this game. One game afk, the next game someone throwing and just running up mid, the next n-word this n-word that, then next game dude asks for a buy n dude tells him to kill himself which really gets the snowball going. The next game dude screaming at people to do things and demands people play the game his way and everyone is trash because they arnt looking the direction he is screaming when he is spectating.

Also why place me in gold if all my games are against plats? Makes 0 sense I imagine others have this problem and never rank up, derank like crazy, or just quit all together. I got to gold 3 but out of the 9 games I played only 3 were with teammates who actually wanted to play.

Edit: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRc3sHPX/


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pyz0iu/i_have_gained_a_lot_of_respect_for_plat_and_below/
  • https://reddit.com/pyz0iu

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