I Got a Stalker in the game. Spectating my ranked match AND playing VS me on the enemy team

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:38 PM

I Got a Stalker in the game. Spectating my ranked match AND playing VS me on the enemy team

So we were playing in the same match and he started to flame in all chat saying bad things like f- you and stuff. Pretty toxic. Then I told you to uninstall the game. If he is going to keep playing just for that, he can just uninstal the game.

Game ends, I go for the next one.

And there he is observing me after 2 rounds in. Until here, everything is fine. He is just there. We hear his static creepy mic going on and nothing else. He faded in and out and we only hear static. I'm solo Queueing but my teammates talked among them "who is this observer?" and so i explained the one solution i thought was true, which turned out to be. It just has to be. But until round 6/7 it was just creepy.

6 or 7 rounds in, the enemy team gets "god mode"; they know everything about us. Where we are, where we're going. After a couple of rounds I thought, this dude is giving info to the enemy team. We were stomping the enemy team, all of a sudden they seem to have hacks. I was playing Cypher on Icebox and after they get god mode, they never went once to where im defending. We defended on the 2nd half (god mode happened on the first half), and I played 1 time in A. Guess how many times they went B. Once. When was that? You got it! I was in A.

The enemy Sova. He went afk round 1 or 2. Came back after about 8 rounds:

  1. "And there he is spectating me after 2 rounds in"
  2. "6 or 7 rounds in, the enemy team gets 'god mode' "

Get it? the Sova was the observer. It only made sense. He only started spectating when Sova went afk. And until Sova came back, we only heard static noises, things hitting his table or whatever. But after Sova joined the game again, the static became Keys clicking. Until the end of the match. So it only makes sense.

How he did it? -_(o.o)_- I thought you could only spectate custom matches. This was ranked.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kev0ls/i_got_a_stalker_in_the_game_spectating_my_ranked/
  • https://reddit.com/kev0ls

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