I was hardstuck in bronze and then I did this.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:31 AM

I became a better teammate. Bronze is hands down the most toxic elo I've seen. Even i used to be an instalocking toxic b*tch. I only used to take dualist, scream at the bottom fraggers, and curse the enemy team a lot.

But one day i decided to be a good teammate. I stopped instalocking and played a role what was lacking (mostly kj).communicated properly, said nice words only and used to calm down any toxicity in chat. Stayed optimistic even at 12-1, and belive me we have made epic comebacks.

First day of doing this and I went from bronze 2 to silver 2. Its been a few weeks and I'm in gold 2 now.

Writing this post because I somehow got a bronze 3 in my team and he instalocked Jett. Reminded me of myself 😂


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l4fi45/i_was_hardstuck_in_bronze_and_then_i_did_this/
  • https://reddit.com/l4fi45

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