I honestly don’t know if I could keep playing

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 5, 2022 6:02 PM

I have around 500+ hours on valorant, but i’m not getting any better. I play dualists and initiators and I am silver 3. I have been silver since I first started playing the game. I play around 4-5 times a week for a couple hours at a time, sometimes more, so it’s not like it’s unhealthy it’s just some time-pass from work and school.

I have tried to improve so much, i play as much as I can, I do aimlab trainings, i play on higher elo accounts with my friends, and I have recorded myself multiple times to see where i’m going wrong. I am doing everything to improve, but I am not improving.

Whenever i come home and I get on, im excited to play. I’ll win a couple of death matches, do aimlabs & do a couple of spike rush games until i feel warmed up. I do well, but once I get into comp, i do terrible. Sometimes i go completely negative, and sometimes i get 30+ kills, in the same elo. The other day I was so close to getting gold & we had a hard loss and i played again, lost again then I got off, ultimately leaving me in silver.

The only thing stopping me from quitting is the money i spent on this game; i don’t want it to go to waste. I want to keep playing, but it’s the same thing over and over again. I get excited to play, then the game becomes mentally exhausting.

With all of these factors into consideration, should i still grind to get to a higher rank? or should I just quit?

Am I having fun playing the game? nobody has fun when they are consistently losing, but the fun you get when you win is worth it.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ylptrg/i_honestly_dont_know_if_i_could_keep_playing/
  • https://reddit.com/ylptrg

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