Posted by Steve
Monday, November 30, 2020 6:31 PM
I've been hardstuck Iron for months, and every time I played with new friends they would tell me that I did not deserve to be in Iron. But I still couldn't win. I used to play fraggers like Jett, but I didn't like her ult and didn't feel useful on her. I played Raze a bit but a lot of my friends liked to play raze more than me so I retired her as well. I started playing Omen a bunch and quickly became an Omen main. Had a lot of fun with him but still wasn't necessarily climbing, just long win streaks followed by even longer lose streaks. I decided to learn Cypher and strictly focus on being useful for my team, as in Iron elo, my teammates often didn't utilize sentinels to their fullest extent. I often fragged above my duelists as Cypher, but still no climbing. Then I decide to just say eff it and only play Reyna, and instantly I just started winning. I queued with two friends one night and went b1-b3 in a night. The only loss I've had over 13 comp games was when I didn't play Reyna. Hopefully, I can continue to climb and hit Gold this act.
I also like to note how I played so many more games in Iron than I did in bronze, and if that's not a testament to how much harder it is to climb in pisslow, then idk what is. Hope this encourages my fellow Iron friends who want to climb. It might just be a change of agent that does it for you.
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