I just can't play well anymore

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 16, 2022 7:00 AM

I used to be able to own ace/immortal lobbies and then I woke up one day and all my skill was gone. I don't know what I was doing better before but I just can't kill anyone or even win games anymore and I just don't know what happened. Its like I lost my ability to play overnight, i have never slumped this hard in my life and I'm getting flamed every game for it and its killing me. Like it is so weird and I don't know how I can just go from owning immortals to getting rekt by diamond players. I used to climb with an 80% win rate to ace 3 and now I have like 25% wr and I just don't know why i can't get kills anymore, before it was rare for me not to top frag with a lot of first blood but now I'm lucky if I go positive and I'm playing worse players and still doing worse and i just need some help because i genuinely have no clue what to to to get out of this slump im in


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vzrcyn/i_just_cant_play_well_anymore/
  • https://reddit.com/vzrcyn

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