Posted by Steve
Sunday, August 29, 2021 1:00 AM
Hello there,
My friend and I didn't play valorant since act 1 and we started to play the game again. We were plat1/2 act 1 and both got placed silver 3 and honestly we just suck at the game now. However, even after a 10 loss streak and bottom fragging every game, we are still facing high plat opponents and we are in a plat lobby in general. I even demoted from silver 3 to silver 2 while all my opponents were gold/plat and + (there is some diamond players in our games too). Is this how the matchmaking and elo works now ? There is no way we have a plat level right now... It is really frustrating to play and getting headshotted for 30 minutes straight is getting to our nerves.
At this point we consider quitting the game again.
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