I know it's a hot take but

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 22, 2021 10:07 PM

Shouldn't professionals/streamers who play on alt/smurf accounts on stream be banned? I know most of them get permission from riot before they start but honestly games start flooding with people who think they can get to radiant by creating a new account and try to replicate what these pros do. Creating a new account and playing with that account on stream just encourages people to create new accounts and spoil games. I mean for the past week I've been in so many games with people greifing and saying "Oh ThIs iS nOt My mAiN aCcOuNT" which is pretty much inevitable as you realize a new account won't do shit to get you to higher elo. And I honestly think when new agents are released you shouldn't be able to redeem him with free agent contract unless your account is a few weeks old. I'll probably get downvoted to oblivion but hey I said what I wanted to say.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qzj6ul/i_know_its_a_hot_take_but/
  • https://reddit.com/qzj6ul

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