I like Warm-ups

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 2, 2022 9:24 PM

I just realized how important warmups are. This post is obviously very redundant, but if anyone else was doing the same thing as me, stop. I would go into games without any warmup and play terrible (bronze 2-3), and come out with no satisfaction except that one 3k I got randomly. Anyway, to the point. I saw a video talking about how important training your aim is in lower ranks and thought “I should probably do that.” I hopped on the next day, warmed up my aim for about 30-45 min and hopped into a comp match. I had just unlocked chamber and I figured I’d play bad as him, but who cares it’s low elo anyway. I had no idea how to play chamber, but my aim was carrying me so hard through the game. I ended the game being 20/10 team MVP on a 13-6 win. That was one of the very few 2kd games I had ever gotten, so obviously I was very proud of it. My friends wanted me to get on with them, I joined them for a death match, did better than them (I’m normally much worse) and then hopped into a comp game. I played brim, and I know more how to play him, but again, I expected my role to be mainly smokes because of how bad I am compared to them. The game ended and I ended up with second highest kd in the lobby with 2.1, again very proud. I hopped into another final game on my own and by second half I was 13-3. By the end of the match I was 18-8. I was again very proud and I looked back to see what I did different and all I did was warm up. If you’re low rank like me and don’t warm up, please do for about 20-30 minutes. It improves your gameplay so much. 

TLDR: I warmed up and did the best I ever have in a 3 match stretch. 

Thanks for allowing to me to have your time, and I hope you have a great day/night! Sorry if this did nothing positive for you, just trying to help the people who don’t know, like me.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zaaldm/i_like_warmups/
  • https://reddit.com/zaaldm

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