I lose when I do good and win when I am literally last on scoreboard

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 3, 2021 1:43 AM

I mean I cant really complain too much, I hover around Dia 1/2 which satisfies me. What is kinda frustrating though, is that I lose the games where I am Team/Match MVP (on Duelists mostly) and win the games were I literally have like a 8/7/4 score playing initiator or smokes. It´s kinda a cognitive dissonance. Anyone else experiences this?

Generally though I feel like the average duelist is wayy better than the average utility player which leads me to conlcude that in order to win higher elo games you kinda have to play utility. Any opinions?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mifah7/i_lose_when_i_do_good_and_win_when_i_am_literally/
  • https://reddit.com/mifah7

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