Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 5:33 AM
Been a long time LoL player, and have been waiting for something to pull me out. Never gave CSGO a proper try, just didn't really appeal to me. Bounced off Valorant a few times and even gave it a go during Beta. The last few months I've been playing this game so much. I have 2 favourite characters that I pretty much exclusively play, Raze and Neon, unless my team needs me to fill flash smoke or drone. I felt pretty hot on my characters and ended up placing Silver 1 only to immediately be demoted to Bronze 3. People afking and my pocket Sage lacking hard are my blames there haha. I'm now Silver 1 again only after a handful of games and they seem to be decently well matched. I haven't run into any obvious smurfs in my ranked games as of yet.
I am spending more and more time in practice following a guide and I believe I'm showing improvement already. This game's mechanics just make sense to me and everything is so clear. I love it.
Also a major thing contributing is that I almost never get angry about anything. Frustrated momentarily sure. But never, ruin my mood, angry.
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