I love playing with this guy but I feel like I'm holding him back. What should I do?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 1:43 AM

Dude, I swear I've been playing this game on and off for a year now because of this shit. I'm bronze 2, not boosted but I struggle to rank up. Meanwhile he's silver 2, and it has become basically a tradition for us to play from 23h00 to 5am or shit like that. I have a lot of fun when I play with him, but recently I've been picking up his habit of getting tilted everytime I lose a game. He's a higher rank than me so I keep getting queued with people who match him and I just can't! My aim is so inconsistent, like sometimes I will drop 20 kills as mvp and then next game I'll bottomfrag 3–17. He gets sad, I can tell. He will smoke everytime he loses a game and I just know it's my fault. I'm holding him back, because his aim is so good! The only thing I'm proud of is my game sense but even then my aim can never match it. I wanna play with him but I also don't wanna be responsible for keeping him in silver.

The problem is, he is trying to boost me up when I just know I won't be able to match the people in higher ranks. How do I stop this from happening? I wanna keep playing with him but I also wanna have good enough aim to match people in gold.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vx43hp/i_love_playing_with_this_guy_but_i_feel_like_im/
  • https://reddit.com/vx43hp

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