I love using the operator and made these rules for myself.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 27, 2021 12:16 AM

For context, I am a Sentinel/Controller player in plat. I understand that the Op is most ideal in the hands of Jett or Chamber, but their playstyles dont suit me. I would appreciate if you guys tell me what you think of the guidelines I set for myself involving the Operator.

  1. Only purchase the Op on defence unless it’s a drop for someone else.

  2. Never buy it if someone already has it.

  3. Dont intentionally save up for it. Play the game like a regular rifler unless I died with plenty of money and am able to start the next round with an Op.

  4. No asking teammates to drop it to me and only get it with my own money. Basically if I cant afford it, it means im not doing as well as I’d like.

  5. Always prioritise someone else’s desire to use the weapon. Id happily sell it even if i bought it first.

  6. Immediately swap to a rifle (in the buy phase) the moment someone asks me to stop Oping. Doesnt matter if Im good or bad with it. It’s not the end of the world.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/r20qrx/i_love_using_the_operator_and_made_these_rules/
  • https://reddit.com/r20qrx

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