Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 26, 2022 6:45 PM
More Like This
Can someone please explain how that SAGE is there?
You see the sage running across to the right side but then see the sage peeking from the left side? I don't get it?
The clip is a lil bit older and also not my own clip but ra...
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 3:53 AM
Night Market should be guaranteed to have a rifle that is premium/exclusive
Basically title, night market is meant to be hyped by providing discounts but what if it was guaranteed to provide a good skin as well?
Not including knives, I'm pretty sure that the general population are not into knife skins based on the...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, December 15, 2022 1:00 AM
few seconds before the disaster
Hello everyone! I just want to share this recent Jett fanart that I made \^\^ and also yes I know she definitely died after this but hey at least she looks pretty while being dead hehe. Which agent should I draw next? \^\^
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 5:48 PM