Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 9:38 AM
I love lurking, and I'm trying to improve upon it by setting stricter rules and guidelines for myself on what the game-plan should be when I commit to a lurk. I notice a lot of other people trying to lurk and they just don't seem to lurk with a clear purpose, so I hope this simple flowchart adds some direction to your lurk plan :)
A few points that aren't illustrated on the flowchart:
- You shouldn't lurk every round. If you're lurking more rounds than you are pushing site, you're over-lurking.
- It's okay to lurk and not get a kill - info is priority #1
- If you're a duelist or initiator, you should probably not be lurking (unless your team has another dueslist, and you're a duelist with mobility to reposition quickly like Yoru, Jett, or Neon)
- 95% of the time you should be lurking around mid, unless your team is doing a mid/site split-push, in which case you can start on the other site's main, though you'll need to haul ass as soon as noise is made
Of course, everything stated above and shown on the flowchart is a guideline, so make decisions based on in-game situational context ^^;
What tips and tricks do you have when it comes to lurking? I'd love to see pointers in the comments, and what advice others have when it comes to playing the rat-role!
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