I made a website to create rainbow text

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 14, 2021 8:12 AM

Website in Use

I found out that VALORANT lets you type tags in chat such as </>, </>, and so on. Using these tags you can change the text colour of anything between the tags. It was quite a hassle though typing out the tags for each message and especially so if you want to use all of the tags in one message.

My solution was to make a website! It allows you to use all 7 text colours in any way you want by creating patterns. The default pattern is the rainbow pattern using all 7 tags but you can make your own pattern as well.

Using the tool is pretty simple, just type in your message, hit Rainbow-fy and then paste your message into chat! The current pattern is represented by the circles, if you wish to remove a colour from the pattern click on a circle. If you want to append a colour to the pattern, click the squares.

TL;DR: website makes colours go brrrrrrrrrr

Link to the website


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nyrghy/i_made_a_website_to_create_rainbow_text/
  • https://reddit.com/nyrghy

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