I miss the old astra and wish she could get a tiny bit of her power back

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 10:50 AM

Ive pretty much been an astra main for a long time since her character, her personality, and was just hard to pass up on. I played her before people started to unlock her potential because making galaxy brain plays with her were always satisfying.

As for her right now, Playing astra hasn't felt the same since the nerfs. Like don't get me wrong, I understand that she needed a nerf but i dont think she needed a nuke either. I can live with all of the nerfs that she got except the 5th star being taken away and the star cool down being doubled, It feels way too punishing and she doesn't feel as flexible as she did before. Omen and brim are just better but I've played astra for so long that I just can't bring myself to let go of her just yet even though she's now the worst agent in the game.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ugsb27/i_miss_the_old_astra_and_wish_she_could_get_a/
  • https://reddit.com/ugsb27

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