I never use MIC in Ranked (Plat 2)

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 2, 2021 7:00 PM

I climbed from S3 to P1 within 1 week after I stopped using my mic completely (I disconnected it), and I've been trying to get out of silver for half a year. I used to use mic all the time, mainly only doing call outs.

REASON: people are absolute assholes, just talk shit to each other 80% of the time, judge you by ur voice, and 2-3 stacks are toxic af if you don't play well sometimes. I was sick of this.

Disclaimer: I try to do callouts but I'm convinced a large majority of Valorant players in Australia are absolute dicks, maybe something like 70%-80%. I'm genuinely having fun when I'm not using my mic.

Sad but true.

EDIT: I also use radio commands. XD


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pz6vwa/i_never_use_mic_in_ranked_plat_2/
  • https://reddit.com/pz6vwa

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