I am not sure how will others feel about it but i think it's mostly a QoL change we need

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 21, 2021 9:24 PM

Now that Jett is going to get hard nerfed i wanted to presume this buff / QoL to her after some time of playing Jett. How many times were you about to get a kill with your daggers and someone just steals your kill and you were stuck with like, 2 daggers? It's quite annoying when i am just about to land the killing blow and i don't get rewarded for it. It used to happen with Reyna too before they changed it, she used to not get a soul orb if the kill wasn't hers, so when somoene would steal your kill you were basically stuck on low health. I think it would be very nice if Jett would get the same treatment and her ult would reset even if she gets an assist by damaging someone. What do you think?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o4pzrq/i_am_not_sure_how_will_others_feel_about_it_but_i/
  • https://reddit.com/o4pzrq

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