I have played 480 comp games and I am still unable to reach gold.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 5:19 AM

I am the absolute definition of hardstuck. I have been grinding non stop to get gold and I have been one game away around 10 times. I really want to reach my goal but I'm getting seriously demotivated. I feel like I've tried every agent, strat, and mindset in the book, but I still just keep falling short. I have also been grinding a ton of aimlab, and managed to get an 100k in gridshot, but I don't see it translating into in-game success. Should I try Coaching? Should I play less? I'm getting desperate, and I could really use some advice. If you want to look at my stats on blitz my name is Huglug#7452


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rasl7y/i_have_played_480_comp_games_and_i_am_still/
  • https://reddit.com/rasl7y

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