I reached gold for 1 week now, why is it worst than silver ?

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 6, 2023 5:05 AM

everyone doing whatever they want, i played 20 games only 2 of them people actually used their mics, the first time i have been insulted and told the shut up because i asked for the spike to farm viper ult, a jett telling me it doesnt matter who has the spike just kill them, a phoenix wanted to plant because he has 30 kills so he knows better?, the same phoenix that lost us the last round, i asked him to rotate so we can plant and i had viper ult, his answer was only pussies rotate ???????, lurking reyna ?? losing 3 games where we were up 9-3, all these are diffrent games btw.

im not saying im better than these guys, when i spectate them their aim and movement are way better than mine, but they haave noo plaaans, when i was silver i used to top frage most of the time, is that why players used to listen to what i have to say? do people in lower rank listen to the top frag by default because he has most of the kills so he knows better ? i asked a reyna if he could push with us and his point was i have 9 kills (he had 10) so i should focus on killing more.

i was very happy by my improvement, i went from hard stuck bronze 3 to gold 1 in 2 weeks, i used to not take the game seriously but now im improving my aim, cross placement and utility usage, watched a lot of videos (especially woohojin, i love that dude) but gold rank is not fun to play, what should i do?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/103zfs1/i_reached_gold_for_1_week_now_why_is_it_worst/
  • https://reddit.com/103zfs1

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