Posted by Steve
Friday, November 20, 2020 3:24 AM
I am having troubles climbing. I keep hovering between silver 3 and silver 1 unable to get Gold.
As a dualist main i always try to go in first on site, flashing people (i don't mind dying to create the first frag if someone can trade me), creating space. On defence i rotate asap once the rushes are called (i don't try to walk flank) I also try to call the plays and call info all the time, smokes where to flash...unless someone does it better than me and my plays aren't working. I watch peakguides... tactic guides... but nothing seems to help. I am always the top frag but I just cannot climb for the life of me. I understand team is RNG and I don't get toxic in voice or w/e because everyone can have a bad game.
But it just sucks losing elo when you were really playing well. How is it fair when i got 20K and the enemy sage gets 5K and she gets rating increased because she gets carried by the 30k smurf.
Even when i play with friends and we win, despite being match MVP i get rating increased while my friends who are below of the frag chart get greatly increased.
I am always looking to improve but this elo system is just so demotivating no matter how hard i try i just keep losing elo despite playing well.
I think the account is just cursed at this point.
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