Posted by Steve
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 9:52 AM
I started playing Valorant last month so I'm still getting the hang of it. Over the past few times that I've played, some people have been either harassing me, body blocking me, and insulting me because I'm a girl. There was this team that I randomly matched with during competitive and they were pretty nice and made me feel welcomed to the game. Two people were in a party and the rest of us were solos. We had good communication and it was all good!
When the two guys friended me, I didn't think much of it(this was my mistake). So I've accepted it and joined their party. After that, we've done a bunch of competitives together and decided to share discords(also my mistake).
One of the guys in the party(let's call him Z), was the first to ask for my discord. And I didn't think much of it and thought why not because they seemed pretty cool. And the other guy(let's call him G), couldn't join us in games sometimes because he was busy and stuff. So it was just me and Z most of the times.
I began to realise that Z isn't the nice, respectful teammate I thought he was. He would keep texting me on discord, asking me if I want to play with him. I didn't find any harm in it until it started to get more annoying. He would want to play with me most of the time and I want to make time for other things.
He began to spam me in discord and call me weird names like "pretty" and "beautiful" (he didn't know what I looked like btw) and it got pretty awkward. I got uncomfortable. He later on kept asking me how old I am, where I'm from and what he can call me because my username is super long. I gave him a fake name and he stopped calling me weird nicknames but continued to spam me. It was then he texted me to stop playing a mini game that I played for a little while. I got creeped out and realised it was my discord revealing what game I'm playing. So I just played it off.
Once, I was playing a different game in the afternoon. It was a pretty chill game and I enjoy playing it. At night, Z kept spamming me again and @ing me on discord to make sure I got the message. He began to spam call me. I got frustrated and refused to pick up the call. I decided to just play one unrated game with him to make him shut up for a while.
I regret playing with him then. He asked me too many personal questions and had been making me super uncomfortable. I just tried to play it off and at some point, I had to mention a boyfriend(I lied) just to get Z off my back for a few minutes in the game. That was until later on, he had asked me to play another game with him and I told him I want to sleep. Then he confronted me and said that I play my different game every night. I was wondering how he knew I was playing that game and how he knew I play it every night. It was then till I realised my discord was connected to my games and found out he had been borderline stalking me on discord.
Since then, I've blocked him on discord and unfriended Z on Valorant. I've also unfriended G because he was friends with Z. I felt bad but I know I needed to cut ties with them and I didn't want G finding out. Z found out I've unfriended him and had been requesting to friend me many times till now. I decided to report him for spam and such but it doesn't really do anything. I really hope RIOT fixes a block option because this is straight up creepy.
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