I really did underestimate the value of having a good friend to queue with

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 12, 2020 10:50 PM

I’ve only been playing valorant for around 3 weeks, but I only soloq’d and my self esteem game wise was pretty low. My whole play style was really passive and I’d panic shoot every time I saw someone because I was afraid of letting the team down.

So today I decided to play unrated just to chill and I met this guy I really clicked with so we decided to duo q together in ranked. I was hitting all of my shots, doing plays I never thought I’d do because my confidence was through the roof. I even got my first 40 kill game all while cracking jokes with a cool guy I met.

If you’re mainly a solo q player and you’re struggling with confidence find someone you like to play with, you might just have some potential you haven’t unlocked.

Also if that guy happens to be on this subreddit somehow, thanks for making me realise I’m not utter trash at this game [only normal trash F] :,)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kbfrmu/i_really_did_underestimate_the_value_of_having_a/
  • https://reddit.com/kbfrmu

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